• (562) 903-4800
  • counseling.center@biola.edu

Application and Selection Process

APPIC Guidelines

The BCC Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology was awarded Full Accreditation by APA's Commission on Accreditation in July 2018 and full reaccreditation in Spring 2023. Our intern selection process follows all guidelines of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and we abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant. Information about the National Match process and details regarding registration procedures can be found at www.natmatch.com/psychint.

Our Program Code Number for the APPIC Match is 226311.


Applicants MUST meet the following minimum requirements:

- Candidate in an APA or CPA accredited doctoral program in clinical or counseling psychology that requires internship training
- Certified as ready for internship by their doctoral program
- Successful completion of all comprehensive and/or professional qualifying examinations prior to the ranking deadline for the APPIC Match
- Dissertation or PsyD Paper proposal approved/accepted PRIOR TO APPLICATION FOR INTERNSHIP
- Completion of all required coursework and supervised practicum prior to the start date of internship
- Completion of at least 300 direct contact clinical/psychotherapy practicum hours with adults prior to the start date of internship
- Completion of at least 50 direct contact assessment hours with adults prior to the start date of internship
- Ability and willingness to demonstrate a spiritual attitude and a Christian lifestyle consistent with the beliefs, methods, and goals of Biola University (see Biola's Mission Statement)
- Ability and willingness to affirm that their personal theological beliefs and church practices are in agreement with Biola University's Articles of Faith
- Ability and willingness to uphold all Biola Community Standards of Conduct (see Employee Handbook Section 3.1 and 3.11)
- Ability and willingness to assert that they desire to work in an educational community where the Biblical Principles and Eschatology Teaching Position are embraced and taught
- Ability and willingness to submit to and pass a prospective employee background check (see Conditions of Employment)

The Intern Selection Committee takes the following preferred qualifications into consideration as well:
- Completion of more than 300 direct contact clinical/psychotherapy practicum hours prior to the start date of internship
- Dissertation or PsyD Paper COMPLETED or DEFENSE SCHEDULED PRIOR TO THE APPIC MATCH PHASE I RANKING DEADLINE, applicants should provide verification of completion or scheduled defense date to the BCC Internship Training Director no later than January 30th.
- Strong interest in and commitment to serving a university community
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work collaboratively as part of a multi-disciplinary team of university health, mental health, and student development professionals
- Strong initiative and ability to independently complete tasks and projects
- Strong commitment to self-reflection and personal growth (e.g. having participated in individual psychotherapy)

External Training Contracts & Evaluations

Some doctoral programs require their students to have additional training contracts and evaluations completed by their internship programs. The Biola Counseling Center internship does not enter into training contracts with academic programs, and BCC supervisors do not complete evaluations developed by academic programs. As an APA accredited internship, our interns receive comprehensive evaluative feedback throughout the training year using instruments based on APA guidelines and customized to our program. Copies of completed evaluations are provided to academic programs at the mid-point and end of the training year. If you are enrolled in an academic program that requires additional training contracts and evaluations, you are strongly encouraged to consult with your Director of Clinical Training as to whether or not you are eligible to apply to our program.

Application Instructions

The BCC Doctoral Internship utilizes the uniform psychology internship application (AAPI Online) developed by APPIC and only accepts applications that are submitted electronically via the APPIC "AAPI Online" service. Please access the AAPI Online through the APPIC website (www.appic.org).

A COMPLETE APPLICATION for our internship program includes the following materials:

  • Cover Letter (please explain why you believe you would be a good fit with the BCC internship program, as well as the Rosemead School of Psychology and Biola University missions; be specific about your goals for the internship year and how you believe our training program would help you meet your goals)
  • Curriculum Vita (up-to-date and complete, including descriptions of experience and content, location and hours of all clinical training)
  • Transcripts of all graduate coursework
  • Three Letters of Recommendation from professionals: two of whom are previous clinical supervisors familiar with your clinical skills, and one who can speak directly to your fit with the Rosemead/Biola community and mission
  • A Treatment or Case Summary* (Phase I applicants please include this in your AAPI)
  • A Psychological Evaluation Report* (Phase I applicants please include this in your AAPI)

*Per the APPIC AAPI Online supplemental materials policy, only these supplemental materials should be submitted by internship applicants, and all clinical work samples must be stripped of client/patient identifying information.
For Phase II applicants only: these supplemental materials should not be uploaded to the AAPI Online. Applicants should have these materials ready, and be prepared to submit them via email when requested.

Deadline and Interview Notification Date

Our application deadline for Phase I of the Match is November 11, 2024. Candidates selected for an interview will be contacted by email no later than December 2, 2024.  Our interview period for Phase I of the Match will be January 6-10, 2025. Per APPIC guidance, all interviews will be conducted virtually.

Selection Process

The following is a summary of our selection process:

  • Applications should be received by our deadline of November 11, 2024.
  • The Internship Training Director reviews all applications to identify those that meet minimum requirements.
  • Members of the Intern Selection Committee review every complete application identified as meeting minimum requirements.
  • Upon review of all eligible applications, the Intern Selection Committee discusses applicants and determines which to invite for an interview.
  • Applicants will receive an email indicating whether or not they have been selected to be interviewed by December 2, 2024. In accordance with APPIC policies, we notify all applicants of their interview status if they submit a complete application.
  • Applicants selected to be interviewed will be contacted to schedule an interview.
  • Interviews will be conducted between January 6-10, 2025. 
  • Applicants meet with the Internship Training Director and with members of the Intern Selection Committee.
  • Interviews consist of structured questions, responding to a case vignette, and an opportunity for applicants to ask questions.
  • Opportunities to dialogue with current BCC interns and a tour of BCC facilities are also provided.
  • Please feel free to contact the Internship Training Director if you have any questions at any time throughout the process.

Non-Discrimination Statement

Biola University operates in compliance with all applicable federal and state non-discrimination laws and regulations in conducting the recruitment and admission of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of the programs and activities of the university. As a religious institution, the university is exempted from certain provisions of federal and state laws and regulations relating to discrimination on the basis of religion. As a Christian university, Biola has requested and received a regulatory exemption under Title IX, and is also exempted from provisions of the California Education Code to the extent that the application of such laws is not consistent with the institution's religious tenets. See Biola's Non-Discrimination Policy to learn more.

Biola University is committed to providing a learning and living environment that promotes safety, transparency, personal integrity, civility, mutual respect, and freedom from discrimination. The university deplores the unfair treatment of individuals based on race, color, national origin, sex, socio-economic status, age, disability, or cultural differences regardless whether such treatment is intentional or simply resultant from careless or insensitive behavior. Rather, employees and members of the student body must embrace the expectation of Scripture to love God with all their being and to love their neighbors as themselves. See Biola's Statement on Diversity to learn more.

Conditions of Employment

Match results and employment decisions are contingent on adherence to the following conditions.

As full-time employees of the University, BCC interns must demonstrate a spiritual attitude and a Christian lifestyle consistent with the beliefs, methods, and goals of the university (see Biola's Mission Statement). Candidates who match with the Biola Counseling Center internship program must affirm that their personal theological beliefs and church practices are in agreement with Biola University's Articles of Faith, as well as agree to abide by the University's Standards of Conduct while employed by Biola. Beyond this, matched interns are asked to assert that they desire to work in an educational community where the Biblical Principles and Eschatology Teaching Position are embraced and taught.

All positions at Biola University require applicants to undergo a criminal background check that includes a review of any misdemeanor and felony convictions, pending charges, and the national sex offender registry. Results are evaluated on a case by case basis in terms of the severity of the crime and the department/position to which the candidate is applying.